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Doctors Say Trump is 'Doing Very Well' While Battling COVID, Next 48 Hours Will Be 'Critical'

Image Source:  (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Image Source: (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Doctors are carefully monitoring President Donald Trump's health condition after he went through a “very concerning” period Friday as he battles the coronavirus. White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said on Saturday that the next 48 hours will be "critical." 

The president was given supplemental oxygen at the White House on Friday before he was transported to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He received a Regeneron antibody cocktail and was given the experimental drug Remdesivir to fast-track his recovery from COVID-19.

“We’re still not on a clear path yet to a full recovery,” Meadows added.

White House physician Sean Conley released a statement explaining that the president finished the first dose of Remdesivir and is "doing very well."

"This afternoon, in consultation with specialists from Walter Reed and Johns Hopkins University, I recommended movement of the President up to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for further monitoring," Conley wrote Friday. "This evening I am happy to report that the President is doing very well. He is not requiring any supplemental oxygen, but in consultation with specialists, we have elected to initiate Remdesivir therapy. He has completed his first dose and is resting comfortably."

Additionally, Dr. Conley provided an update Saturday morning on the president's condition. He reported that Trump has not complained of any breathing difficulties and he is not receiving supplemental oxygen. 

"At this time, the team and I are extremely happy with the progress the president has made," Conley said. He added that "the president has been fever-free for over 24 hours."

In a video shared on Twitter, the president praised the doctors and nurses who are treating him and said "I feel much better now."

Meanwhile, news of other associates of Trump testing positive for the virus has become apparent.

Former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway tweeted on Friday that she has tested positive for COVID-19.

"Tonight I tested positive for COVID-19. My symptoms are mild (light cough) and I'm feeling fine. I have begun a quarantine process in consultation with physicians."

The president's campaign manager Bill Stepien has also tested positive for the coronavirus and is reportedly suffering from "mild flu-like" symptoms.

Trump's personal assistant, Nick Luna tested positive for the virus after the president arrived at Walter Reed.

Shortly after Trump announced that he had contracted the virus, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel reported that her test results came back positive.

"After a member of her family tested positive for COVID-19, the Chairwoman was tested for the virus. On Wednesday afternoon, she got confirmation she was COVID-19 positive. She has been at her home in Michigan since last Saturday," RNC spokesman Mike Reed said in a statement.

And GOP Senators Mike Lee (UT) and Thom Tillis (NC) recently announced that they tested positive for COVID-19 after attending meetings in Washington DC earlier this week.

Hope Hicks, one of Trump's closest aides, also tested positive for the coronavirus.

Hicks, who serves as counselor to the president and traveled with him to a Wednesday rally, tested positive Thursday, according to an administration official.

The office of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) announced Saturday that he was tested for the virus on Friday and those results came back positive.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie confirmed on Saturday in a tweet he has tested positive for COVID-19 and that he is at Morristown Medical Center as a "precautionary measure."

John Hagee, founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas tested positive for the coronavirus. Pastor Hagee's son Matt Hagee made the announcement during a Sunday morning service that was streamed live on Facebook. 

Politico reports that the full Senate will not return on Oct. 5 and plans to restart on Oct. 19.

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