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Tony Dungy Defends the Unborn, Reacts to Biden's Backtrack: 'I Want to Know What Factors Changed His Mind'


President Joe Biden's recent remark that human life doesn't begin at conception has caught the attention of many pro-life advocates, including legendary football coach Tony Dungy.

Dungy, who is an outspoken Christian, took to Twitter recently to share his thoughts about the president amending his stance on abortion and human rights.

His initial tweet on Sept. 9 was triggered by a story from the New York Post regarding the issue.

"I'm curious as to what new information the President has gotten that has changed his mind on abortion and life?" he wrote. "Reading the article he seemed to talk about what his faith required him to accept. What has caused him to move away from that faith-based position?"

Embed tweet from Dungy:

In the '80s, Biden voted in favor of a constitutional amendment to allow states to overturn Roe v. Wade. In the '90s, he voted against federal funds for abortion at least 50 times. 

But earlier this month, Biden, who claims to be a devout Catholic, told reporters he is a strong supporter of Roe v. Wade.

"I respect people who don't support Roe v. Wade, I respect their views," the president said. "I respect those who believe life begins at the moment of conception and all — I respect that, don't agree, but I respect that. I'm not gonna impose that on people."

Many of the comments on Dungy's post centered around abortion rather than Biden changing his position.

One person argued that people can change their minds on certain topics after they become more educated.

Dungy replied, "That's my question. What information or as you call it 'education' did he suddenly get. I'd love to hear this new information."

When another user stated that there is no direct reference to abortions in the Bible, to which Dungy replied, "I disagree with you about the Bible not referencing abortions. Please tell me what you think Psalm 139:13-16 and Jeremiah 1:5 mean."

But one person commented that if this is Biden's new belief, then he has left the Catholic church

Dungy agreed, stating, "Yes. I want to know what factors changed his mind. That is my question. Not political. Not separation of church and state. At one point he thought abortion was wrong. Now he thinks it's OK. Why the change?"

Another user thanked Dungy for speaking out against the matter.

"Thank you brother Tony for your stance on the Word of God and against this horrible evil called abortion. How any society can tolerate the killing of innocent babies is beyond comprehension. Life is a precious gift from God!"

Have you have had an abortion, are contemplating ending your pregnancy, or would like pregnancy-related resources, please click here.

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