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Nikki Haley Will Remain in Race for the White House Until 'American People Close the Door'

Nikki Haley. (Photo credit: CBN News)

With the South Carolina primary just days away, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley says she's not going anywhere at least not until after Super Tuesday. 

With another 20 states set to vote between now and then, Haley says she's in no hurry to hand the nomination to former President Donald Trump. 

"People have the right to have their voices heard and they deserve a real choice, not a Soviet-style election where there's only one candidate and he gets 99 percent of the vote," Haley said during a press conference on Tuesday. 

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Despite trailing Trump by more than 20 percent in her home state, Haley says she's playing the long game. 

"I've always been David taking on Goliath, and like David, I'm not just fighting someone bigger than me, I'm fighting for something bigger than myself," she said.

Haley added that her focus is to make America stronger, and she's pledging that no matter what happens on Saturday, she will still be running for president on Sunday. 

"I'll keep fighting until the American people close the door, and it won't be on Saturday, not by a long shot. The presidential primaries have barely begun, just three states have voted," Haley said.

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slider img 2Trump, meanwhile, spent the weekend campaigning in the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Michigan. 

In brushing off his latest legal defeat in a New York civil case that resulted in a $355 million fine, Trump vowed big changes if he wins in November. 

"When we win back the White House, we will have no higher priority than ending the weaponization of this horrible legal system that is developed around us. It's a horrible, horrible thing that's taking place. You talk about democracy, this is a real threat to democracy," Trump said during a Michigan rally.

A new campaign finance report reveals Trump's legal fees cost his political fundraising committees more than $50 million in 2023, and according to Politico, the former president's campaign also spent more money than they brought in last year. 

President Biden, however, is bringing in a record haul, raising more than $42 million in January, even amid concern about his age. 

"While team Biden-Harris continues to build on its fundraising machine, Republicans are divided. Either spending money fighting Donald Trump, or spending money in support of Donald Trump's extreme and losing agenda," said Biden's campaign manager, Julie Chávez Rodríguez in a statement. 

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