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Faith-Based Song Included in Oscar Nominations


Heading to the Oscars this year is the faith-based film "Alone Yet Not Alone," making it one of the big surprises of this year's Academy award season.

The Academy nominated the film for Best Original Song, beating out artists like Coldplay, Lana Del Rey, and Taylor Swift for the nomination.

The little-known film, shown in only nine cities, surprised many when it was announced among other bigger-name nominees Jan. 16.

The production team includes Emmy-award winner and previous Oscar nominee composer Bruce Broughton.

The film's production manager, Kenneth Altman, a Regent University alumnus, recalled when composer Broughton brought to the set.

"We discussed wanting a song that sounded like a hymn that people might have sung in the 18th Century," he said. "Other songs are played over end credits, but in this a character actually sings it," Altman said.

The song was sung by Hampton Roads native actress Natalie Racoosin in the film and by Christian author and speaker Joni Eareckson Tada for the official release, currently available on iTunes.

Watch behind-the-scenes video of Eareckson Tada's recording session, intercut with footage from the film, below.

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