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The Most Frequent Target of Hate Crimes Is Not Who You Think


A new report reveals the news media have been biased in their reporting about hate crimes in America.

If you went by media reports from the last few years, you'd think that blacks and Muslims were the main victims of hate in America.

And while it is true that hate crimes have risen against blacks and Muslims, they are not the primary victims.

A review by the American Enterprise Institute cites the latest available FBI data from 2015, which shows that Jews actually suffered three times as many attacks as blacks.

And Jews were victimized one-and-a-half times more often than Muslims.

"The FBI data for 2015 on anti-religion hate crimes also reveal that of the 1,244 victims of anti-religious hate crimes last year in the U.S., 664 were Jewish (53.4 percent of the total) and 257 were Muslim (20.7 percent of the total)," AEI reports.

"Obviously, since more than half (53.4 percent) of the anti-religious hate crime victims in 2015 were Jewish, there were more Jewish victims last year of anti-religious hate crimes (664) than victims of all other religious groups combined (580)."

Still, on Monday U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch chose to speak at a mosque, focusing once again on hate crimes against Muslims but not against Jews.    

Lynch also played along with the media narrative in another way: by pointing a finger at the Trump administration, raising concerns that the incoming president could erode civil rights.

Over the years, the Obama Justice Department has focused heavily on issues involving African-Americans, Muslims, and the LGBT community.

On Tuesday, Lynch will be in New York City for a discussion with lesbian, gay and transgender youth at Harvey Milk High School and to visit the Stonewall Inn and the new Stonewall National Monument, the site of a 1969 clash that sparked the gay rights movement.

And Lynch sued the state of North Carolina this year over a bathroom bill the Obama administration said discriminated against transgender individuals.

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