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Greg Laurie on Why God Allowed Vegas Tragedy


Investigators are searching for clues in the deadly shooting in Las Vegas that left 59 people dead and more than 500 wounded.

The tragedy has affected thousands of people directly, and across the nation, many are filled with fear and questions.

Why would a loving God allow such pain?

In an interview with CBN News, pastor and evangelist Greg Laurie of Harvest Church in Orange, Calif. shared, "It's very unnerving. I think it's unsettling. I think it's frightening."

Laurie went on to say, "When something like this happens, it just can make everyone be in a state of perpetual anxiety. And I think we need to remember just a couple of times in the midst of the tragedy horrific and that is simply that God is here. God is in control."

The popular pastor also answered the 'why' question.

"God allows evil in the world. What this man did was the most evil thing imaginable, just mowed down people with an automatic machine gun who didn't even know where the fire was coming from and it's a horrible thing."

He added that bad things are a part of life but offered hope and encouragement from the Bible.

"Horrible hurricanes that have hit Texas, Florida and of course most recently in Puerto Rico and the loss of life there. Then we have this tragedy and add to that the saber rattling with North Korea. These are very unsettling times," said Laurie.

"But here's what Jesus says: 'let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid, you believe in God, believe also in me.' And so really what Jesus is saying to us in times like this is, 'Put your trust in me, put your focus on me and remember that even in the midst of all of these horrible things God can still bring good,'" he said.

Laurie, whose son died in a tragic car accident nine years ago, also shared how Christians can help those whose friends and loved ones were killed in the shooting.

"The grief that happens in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy like this is very strong," he said.

"I think when you're talking with someone who has lost a loved one, and this is not just concerning this tragedy in Vegas, but in any situation, don't say, 'I know what you're going through' because you probably don't. So don't try to connect on that level. I think the best thing to say is, 'I love you. I'm sorry and I'm praying for you,'" he explained.

"We need to be praying for people and reminding ourselves that eternity is real and that life on earth is short," said Laurie.




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