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'Our Whole Community Banded Together': Light of Jesus Shining Bright in This Harvey-Ravaged Town

Hurricane Harvey 5
Hurricane Harvey 5

HAMSHIRE, Texas – Although post-Hurricane Harvey flooding remains a serious threat in many parts of Texas, some people are slowly making their way back to their water-soaked homes.

CBN News visited League City where the clean-up effort is just beginning.

Four feet of water came flowing into the home of the LaCabe family, but they still say God is good since their family all made it through the storm alive.

"It's hard but we have all our family members and they came by to help, so we're fine. The Lord protected us," Cliffton LaCabe told CBN News.

Veronica LaCabe  echoed her husband's words.

"He blessed us and here we are – 51 and a half years of marriage. So we are blessed," she said.

Meanwhile, families across the storm zone are going through their personal effects in hopes of salvaging precious items, like photographs – the memories they want to hold forever.

Mandy Currier couldn't be more proud of her husband. He used his fishing boat to save lives, including that of Danielle Simpson.

"All of the neighborhood right here just rallied together," Currier said.

"You see these stories of people getting caught up in the waters and dying. We are alive and here and that's God and that's prayers," said a grateful Simpson.

CBN News National Security Correspondent Erik Rosales and his photographer, Mario Gonzalez, were also nearly swept up in those waters as they tried to make it into flooded Beaumont.

"We decided to continue our fight another day and give it 24 hours for the flood water to recede," Rosales recalled. "We'd like to thank the good folks at First Baptist Church in Hamshire, Texas, who fed us and put us up for the night."

Bob Thewman was among those who lost his home to flooding.

"All these people do is give back. A lot of these people lost their homes. Houses are underwater. Our whole community banded together," he said.

Jody Thewman exclaimed, "Our congregation is just amazing. This community has pulled together so much. Everyone helps one another. We were on an island nobody could get in and nobody could get out and God provided so much food, so much water. It was truly amazing."

Mark Bertrand's home was also claimed by the flood waters. Nevertheless, he too is praising God.

"We definitely serve a loving God and giving God," he said. "This community here is awesome. People talk about moving and I don't care where you go you will not find this."

Jeff Burdick sells insurance in the area. He says with Hamshire only 18 miles from the Gulf, most homeowners have wind damage insurance, but less than 20 percent carry flood insurance.

But together this small Texas community says they will be like Jesus, and serve one another. The lights may be out in the sanctuary, but the spirit of Jesus is shining bright from Hamshire.

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