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Parents Push 'Sex Ed Sit Out' Today to Stop Graphic Sex-Ed Programs in Public Schools

Activist Mommy
Activist Mommy

Parents who say they are sick of the sexualization of their children in classrooms across the country are demanding public schools end the practices.

Elizabeth Johnston, known as Activist Mommy, along with mothers from North Carolina and other states, are joining forces to fight against what they say are explicit lessons in sexuality towards students in public schools.

They are holding a "Sex Ed Sit Out" protest on Monday, April 23 with events scheduled in the U.S., Canada, and Australia. 

Click here for more on the Sex Ed Sit Out.

In an interview with CBN News, Johnston said, "We are asking parents across the nation and even across the globe to pull their children out of public school on April 23rd.

"We have a letter that they can send to their principal explaining why because we are protesting graphic, gender-bending sex education in the schools," she continued.

Johnston added, "It's been brought to the attention of some of us mothers that parents are grieved and increasingly troubled about the graphic nature of sex education. Even as young as elementary school students are being subjected to this."

In 2017, the parents of kindergarten students at Rocklin Academy Gateway school in a Rocklin, California were outraged after a teacher staged a "transition ceremony" in class for a five-year-old boy without informing them. 

The teacher gave the lesson on transgenderism because a student was transitioning from a boy to a girl. 

And a few years ago in Virginia's Fairfax County, a gender identity curriculum was introduced.  

Johnston added, "Kids are being taught how to perform anal and oral sex on one another, during class time, at taxpayer expense. We are fed up. Enough is enough. We're not going to let these social Marxists sexualize our children at taxpayer expense during school hours."

CBN News recently reported on a radical sex education curriculum being pushed by public schools by LGBTQ advocates in Canada. 

It's called Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification, or SOGI, a curriculum that teaches public school students across Canada to celebrate the homosexual lifestyle and that gender is fluid.  In other words, your gender is not dependent on what parts you were born with but rather what you feel like at the moment.

Johnston says if people can march for stricter gun control measures, parents should march to protect the innocence of their children.

"We send our kids to school to learn reading and writing and science and history, not how to question whether they really are a boy or a girl and certainly not how to have anal and oral sex," she said.  "This is pathetic. This is not what we send our kids to school for, and parents are waking up and this is what we wanted to happen. We wanted parents who were in the dark to finally wake up to the terrible nature of what's going on in the public schools."   

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