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Alex McFarland: How the Left Demonizes Conservative Christians as 'Christian Nationalists'



Some conservatives argue American leftists always seem to need a boogeyman. When left-wing political activists are not demonizing MAGA Republicans, they're aiming to marginalize patriotic Christ-followers by labeling them as "Christian nationalists."

So, what exactly is a "Christian nationalist"? These days it seems to only be a pejorative term leveled against conservatives by the establishment news media.

Culture and religion analyst Alex McFarland of Alex McFarland Ministries spoke to CBN News for the "Set It Straight" segment of our weekly program, "The Global Lane". 

McFarland is co-author of the book, 100 Bible Questions and Answers: Inspiring Truths, Historical Facts, Practical Insights

He says tyrants often use an "othering" technique to single out, persecute, and destroy their adversaries. 

"Cultural Marxists and those that want to change America farther and farther away from our moral principles – and really their ultimate goal is the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution and the loss of all of our liberties – one of their techniques is to marginalize and demonize those of us that care about God and country," he explains.

He says that's what the American Left is doing these days too, attempting to rebrand or weaponize the term "Christian nationalist".

"To the Left that realizes the obstacle between them and their global utopianism are people who are patriotic and people of Christian conviction, part of the way they're trying to raise up generations of secularists that don't like America, and don't accept Christ, they're demonizing people of faith and people of patriotic conviction," McFarland says. 
He says these cultural Marxists are trying to slam patriotic Christians as "some wide-eyed, crazed zealots," and for the last few years they've been using the term "Christian nationalists" as a smear.

He contends even the Declaration of Independence is now being used in this demonization of patriotic Christians, twisting the concept of liberty to support hedonism. 

And while there are some conservative Christians who hold extreme views, just like there are in every sector of the political world, McFarland points out those people are actually twisting the true Gospel message of Christianity to fit a theocratic agenda. He points out that's not the vast majority of patriotic Christians in America, but now they're all being lumped together to achieve the globalist political agenda. 

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