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New Study Shows Majority of Americans Wish They Read the Bible More

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A majority of Americans say they wish they read the Bible more but say they fail to do so, because they don't have enough time, a new research reveals.

The American Bible Society's latest State of the Bible reports that 52 percent of Americans say they wish they read the Bible more, but more than a quarter of them say they don't because "they don't have enough time."

"Granted, this is a bit like asking, 'Do you wish you exercised more?' Wishing and doing are two different enterprises," the report said. "But it's still important to know the desire is there. And whatever we could do to increase excitement about the Bible, explain the language, or show where to start, it might move the needle a bit."

The American Bible Society is in its 13th year of conducting its State of the Bible, asking American people their opinions and practices relating to the Bible.

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As CBN's Faithwire reported, the survey also found that "Scripture-engaged individuals were shown to have the highest levels of persevering hope."

Scholars involved in the study created a Persevering Hope metric, including four questions measuring people's hope levels.

Responses helped researchers discern how increased Bible engagement impacts this measure.

The results revealed that Scripture-engaged people averaged a score of 4.1, which "significantly exceeds the overall average."

"Positively, Americans who are Scripture engaged show significantly higher levels of hope than their neighbors," American Bible Society's Chief Ministry Officer John Farquhar Plake said in a statement. "Although our society faces challenges on many fronts, the Bible provides hope and help to those who explore its truths."

Other main findings from the State of the Bible report include:

*Bible use in America remains at its lowest point in more than a decade of measurement. The latest survey data shows only 39% of American adults use the Bible. 

*A majority of those who turn to Scripture say they do because "it brings {them) closer to God." This was the most popular response when asked "I use the Bible because ..."

* Americans have strong opinions about the Bible's value. Less than half of Americans (44%) say America would be worse off without Bible-reading, compared to 14% who say a Bibleless America would be better. 

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