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Anti-Israel Protesters Tore Down US Flags in DC - This Lawmaker Restored Them

New York Congressman Brandon Williams who led that impromptu campaign to immediately replace the flags
New York Congressman Brandon Williams who led that impromptu campaign to immediately replace the flags

Law enforcement wants the public's help identifying protestors who vandalized statues and monuments in the nation's capital during last week's Capitol Hill speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Police are also looking for one person accused of assaulting an officer. 

A large group of protesters spray-painted vulgar, anti-Israel slogans on statues – including threats such as "Hamas is comin" – and tore down American flags at Union Station, replacing one with a Palestinian flag.

FULL COVERAGE - Disturbing Images: As Netanyahu Addressed Congress, Islamic Jihadist Flags Flew and 'Iran's Useful Idiots' Terrorized DC

The pro-Hamas rioters also burned at least one U.S. flag. Here's a CBN News video of some of the aftermath as remnants of the flag burn and protesters chant for an "intifada" uprising.

Additional footage shot by one of CBN's videographers shows a protester who appears to lead others in a chant in Arabic saying, "We are the people of Mohammed Deif" – he's the Hamas terrorist commander who helped plot the October 7th atrocities. That video is currently being examined by translation experts.

After that day of antisemitic hatred in Washington, one U.S. lawmaker realized that the U.S. flags had not been restored in front of Union Station, so he decided to do something about it. 

CBN News spoke with New York Congressman Brandon Williams who led that impromptu campaign to immediately replace the flags that night in Washington, D.C.

"I'm a Navy veteran, and the flag means a lot to me and to my family. The fact that that was happening right at the heart of our democracy, just a few blocks away from the Capitol building - it really got to me. And I knew that we had to do something. And, it wasn't until later that evening til the opportunity arose for us to make it right," he told us.

WATCH: Lawmakers Restore 'Old Glory' After Flag Burned at Union Station

"It was a very moving night. We had a late night series of votes, I think, around 8:30. And as I drove back to the Capitol, I went by Union Station and saw that the three American flags that are normally there had not been replaced because earlier, of course, they'd been burned. I had about 45 minutes on the House floor to recruit other members, and of course, I was drawn to other Navy veterans that came and joined me. And then, I just happened to grab, Speaker Mike Johnson, and I said, 'Speaker, this is, this is what we're going to do. Are you with us?' He said, 'Absolutely. I'll be there.' And, we literally walked down the steps of the Capitol after votes, just like you see on TV. Some, some walked over to Union Station...and some drove," he told us. "And we just took turns getting the three flags rigged. The Metropolitan Police of Washington, DC were actually there and welcomed us and helped us. We raised those flags as a very proud moment. And then, Congressman Derek Van Worden says, 'Hey, Brandon, why don't you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance?' And we lined up. So the Pledge of Allegiance, frankly, is a moment I'll never forget."

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