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Pizza Delivery Driver Selflessly Cuts Elderly Customer's Grass After Noticing It Was Overgrown

Lawnmower cutting grass
Photo by Carl Tronders/Unsplash

One pizza delivery driver in Ohio is dishing up true kindness.

James Dunn, a driver for East of Chicago Pizza in Barberton, delivered a pizza to an elderly customer earlier this month and noticed the resident’s unkempt yard and tall grass, according to WOIO-TV.

Soon, Dunn returned — but rather than a pizza, the delivery driver brought a lawnmower and weed eater.

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Displaying true kindness, the Barberton man cut the elderly customer’s grass, removed overgrown hedges, and trimmed the weeds around the property — all without prompting or compensation.

There was so much brush, Dunn couldn’t collect it all. So another good Samaritan stepped forward. The owner of Morning Glory Landscaping and Cleanouts picked up all the debris left over from Dunn’s handiwork.

The kind-hearted gesture didn’t go unnoticed. East of Chicago Pizza praised its employee’s over-the-top service to an aging customer in a Facebook post.

“Our driver James Dunn noticed one of our elderly customers grass was getting pretty high when he was delivering to him, so he brought his mower today and cut it down for him, weed whacked, and hedge clipped his yard on his own time,” the pizza business stated.

It continued, “This is what good employees taking care of good customers looks like. We sell a lot more than pizza.”

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