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Stats Say Evangelical Christianity Losing Ground in America

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New research is sounding the alarm about the potential fading influence of evangelical Christianity in America.

A recent study from Arizona Christian University reveals that only 10 percent of American adults identify as evangelical – a figure significantly lower than previous estimates. 

It also shows those who do identify as Christian often embrace a watered-down version of the faith. For example, a growing trend is leading many evangelicals to abandon traditional beliefs in favor of a blend of religious worldviews.

On CBN's Faith Nation, Dr. George Barna, founder of the Barna Group and head of the cultural research center at Arizona Christian University said, "When we look at the impact of their churches it tends to be rather minimal. That's due to the fact that their churches don't really try to help people who want to be disciples who want to follow biblical principles to go out and influence the culture. The culture has taken that vacuum and filled it."

Watch the full interview above with Dr. Barna for more.

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