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Biden Admin Pushed Medical Experts to Remove Age Limits from Transgender Surgeries on Kids

U.S. Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine. (Photo by Joe Hermitt/The Patriot-News via AP)

The debate over surgeries for gender-confused minors is one of the most heated arguments of our time. Now there's been a major revelation about how the Biden administration has pushed the transgender agenda when it comes to children.

According to the New York Times, Biden officials played a significant role in convincing an international pro-transgender medical group to remove age limits from its guidelines for trans surgeries. 

"Email excerpts from members of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) recount how staff for Adm. Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services and herself a transgender woman, urged them to drop the proposed limits from the group's guidelines and apparently succeeded," The Times reports.

The administration was reportedly concerned that age minimums would trigger political backlash that could fuel legislation opposing the trans ideology.

More than two dozen states now have laws restricting gender-altering medical experiments on the bodies of minors. And this week, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the Biden administration's challenge to one of those laws.

LATEST  Supreme Court Takes up Hot Topic of Gender-Altering Procedures on Children

Critics say children are too young to make these irreversible, life-altering decisions while supporters claim that young people with gender dysphoria need the procedures right away. 

But as CBN News reported earlier this year, U.S.-based think tank Environmental Progress reported that even the WPATH admitted behind closed doors that "children and adolescents cannot comprehend the lifelong consequences of 'gender-affirming care,' and in some cases, due to poor health literacy, neither can their parents."

MORE  Leaked Files Reveal Major Risks with Transgender Experiments: 'It Is Not Medicine'

When we confronted WPATH about those claims, Marci Bowers, M.D., president of the group, told us in a statement, "The world is not flat. Gender, like genitalia, is represented by diversity. The small percentage of the population that is trans or gender diverse deserves healthcare and will never be a threat to the global gender binary."

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Meanwhile, England and other European nations are backing away from transition procedures on minors after studies showed "weak evidence" that they lead to long-term positive impacts. 

"This is one instance in which I think Europe is headed in the right direction," Sarah Parshall Perry of the Heritage Foundation told CBN's Wendy Griffith. "In addition to that, we are now seeing Norway, Finland, Sweden, and now the most recent edition is Scotland who has backed off the use of chemical castration agents as well." 

There is also a growing number of people who regret undergoing gender transition and are seeking to revert back to their biological gender. They're warning distressed children and their families about rushing into life-altering medical decisions. 

2024: Pediatrician Group Points to 60 Studies Showing Gender Transition Has No Long-Term Benefit

2022: Biden Admin Wants Sex-Change Surgery for Minors to Be Covered by Taxpayer Dollars

READ England's Health Service Unveils Shocking Revelations About Transgender Youth: A 'Transient Phase'?

READ 'Not Safe': Britain's Tavistock Sex-Change Clinic for Children Closed After Damning Report


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