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Prayer 'War Room' Key for Northern Iraq

Mosul refugees, CBN News image, Jonathan Goff

NORTHERN IRAQ – The Iraqi army faces great resistance in its campaign to liberate parts of its country from ISIS. Some on the front lines see their effort as part of a much larger war against evil.

Victor Marx with All Things Possible Ministry believes prayer makes a difference.

"You really got to understand that prayer works. It's not just a cliché. So be fervent in your prayers," Marx told CBN News.

"That vehicle right there, one of our armored vehicles, I'm telling you right now, that vehicle has taken RPG shots from like 30 meters away that's missed," he said. "It's been right in the middle of fire and not one round hit on it and that's because of the power of prayer. Really Christians at home must pray!"  
So what do Christians serving here in Iraq want people at home to pray?

Dave Eubank leads a team on the front lines offering medical and humanitarian aid. He said people should pray "that ISIS would be quickly defeated" and that people "will learn how to live together."

"That to me, all peoples would be free – Kurdistan, I think should have its own place and that the Shia and the Sunni and others will – and the Christians – will learn how to live together.  Not learn; this is the power of God. We need that. It's not a learning issue; it's a heart issue and a spiritual issue. I think those are the things to pray for," Eubank said.

CBN News joined Sister Diana in the Christian town of Qaraqosh devastated by ISIS. She wants prayer for those suffering in northern Iraq.

"I pray that people will have passion toward their brothers and sisters who are suffering here, to help them, to pray that God will send people to support us, to rebuild all this," she said. "This is going to need some support and to hold us in their daily prayers so God will give us strength and to continue our faith."

This battle goes beyond soldiers and fighters.

"It's real Moms with babies and children," Marx said."It's husbands who have been killed.  It's men who no longer have work or they've been diminished to such a place of such shame and guilt because of not being able to fight."  

Dalton Thomas leads a ministry that supports and Kurdish military and provides relief aid.

"When I pray for Kurdistan, I pray the same things over and over again," Thomas told CBN News.

"Lord, I pray, give the leaders geopolitically wisdom to pour water on the fire and not gasoline and I pray Colossians 4 Lord, open up a door for the Gospel to be proclaimed as it ought to be proclaimed here. And those are my two prayers," he said. "Lord, restrain the advance of the hands of the wicked man and open up a door for the – for the good – for the Good News of the Gospel to go forth because this place needs good news and it's been ravaged from bad news for far too long,"

Thomas and others believe a worldwide prayer war room will make a difference on the front lines.

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