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What Melania Trump Did at a Vatican Hospital that Brought Smiles to Kids

Melania Trump
Melania Trump

First lady Melania Trump has a big heart. The children of Bambino Gesu (Baby Jesus) pediatric hospital know that well.

During President Donald Trump's trip to the Vatican, the first lady visited the children's hospital.

She toured the cardiac intensive unit as well as the recreation room, where she painted with the children from nine different countries, took selfies with them, and spent time talking to parents. 
Melania Trump, often praised for her a gracefully stoic expression, smiled continually, obviously relaxed, enjoying her time spent with the youth. 

She later tweeted, "Thank you @bambinogesu for the heroic work you do. I ask that everyone keep these amazing children in your thoughts & prayers."

Hospital staff gave her a bouquet of flowers to show their appreciation.

She ended the visit by praying in the hospital chapel.

Before leaving, she wrote "Great visiting you. Stay strong and positive. Much love, Melania Trump," in the hospital's guest book. With a red pen, she drew a small flower and heart.

Her trip to the hospital was just a brief one but showed the first lady sincerely cares for others, especially those whose voices often go unheard.

The visit was just a blink in the president and first lady's historic trip but it won't soon be forgotten by the children at Bambino Gesu.

On the next leg of Mr. and Mrs. Trump's journey, the first lady also cheered up children in a Belgian hospital Thursday. She gave out Dr. Seuss books and crepe paper flowers while her husband met with European Union leaders.

The first lady toured the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital and joined a group of children making paper flowers, a Belgian tradition. Two of the children sitting with her were hooked up to IVs.

They shared opinions on favorite flowers. The first lady said she likes peonies, tulips, roses and especially orchids.

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