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STUNNING Video Shows Building Collapse as Second Powerful Mexico Quake Kills 230


BUILDING COLLAPSES: WATCH this MUST SEE Video from Producer Esteban Castro from CBN Mexico

For the second time this month, Mexico has been struck by a powerful earthquake - the country's deadliest quake since 1985.

Police, firefighters and ordinary citizens are searching through collapsed schools, homes and apartment buildings looking for survivors after the 7.1 quake hit that the region around Mexico City Tuesday.

Rescuers have been searching desperately for dozens of missing children at a school that was partially flattened by the quake. And mid-morning they located a little girl who is still alive, trapped under the rubble. Rescuers spotted the child and shouted to her to move her hand if she could hear them, and she did.

"People are very agitated, some crying and screaming, I have seen people lying here probably because of nerves and they collapsed," said local resident Antwyn Vazquez.

Mexican federal authorities say 230 people died from the quake. Of those, 100 died in Mexico City.

Pope Francis led tens of thousands of people in prayer for the victims after the quake.

A magnitude 8.1 quake struck the southern Mexican states of Chiapas and Oaxaca on September 8.

CBN's Operation Blessing is on location in Mexico distributing much needed relief supplies such as water.  And CBN Humanitarian and Disaster Relief immediately sent $20,000 to the CBN Mexico City office to begin urgent relief efforts.

Click here if you'd like to help CBN Humanitarian and Disaster Relief efforts in Mexico.

CBN Mexico is also rallying prayer support.

A post on its Facebook page reads, "Today there was a 7.1 earthquake in Mexico City. Buildings are falling, big cracks in the streets, among other consequenes. We need to join in prayer for the people affected! #PrayforMexico."

As the scope of the tragedy becomes clear, doubtless many people will be needing all the help they can get.

Members of CBN offices in Mexico said when the quake hit, several of them ran to a nearby collapsed building to capture what was happening.  

"This is one of the buildings that fell down in Mexico City, described Mundo Cristiano Correspondent Liliana Amoros, who witnessed at least 30 buildings collapse.

She added, "It's hard to be recording because what people need is help." 

Meanwhile, Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto issued a video statement expressing his condolences to the families of those killed in the quake.

"Regrettably, many people have lost their lives, including boys and girls in education centers, buildings, and houses," Nieto said. "I want to express my condolences to those who lost a relative, or a loved one. Mexico shares your grief."

He added that this is a very hard time for his country. 
"This quake is a hard test, and very painful for our country," he said.

"Mexicans, we have had difficult experiences due to quakes in the past, and we have learned to respond to these episodes giving all, and with a spirit of solidarity."

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