Dave Says: Sell Car to Pay Student Loan?


Dear Dave,

I make about $70,000 a year, and I have $9,000 in student loan debt. I also have a car that would bring enough to allow me to pay off the student loans. Do you think I should sell?


Dear Dave,

Nice name! Seriously, there are two questions I ask when it comes to selling a car to pay off debt. One, is the value of your car and other vehicles—including motorcycles, boats and such— more than half of your yearly income? If so, then you have way too much money wrapped up in things that are going down in value. So, unless you're talking about a super-expensive car, I'd say the answer on this one is no.

The second question is this: Can you become debt-free, except for your home, in 18–24 months without selling the car? If the answer is yes, then I wouldn't sell the car. There's no reason to sell your car in this scenario unless you just really hate the thing or need different transportation.

In this case, it sounds like your car is a reasonable percentage of your income. I'd hold on to it and just save like crazy to kill off this student loan debt. With your income, it shouldn't take more than a year. Good luck, Dave!
