Do This for Your Financial Breakthrough


Meet Penilopee LaRosa, the entrepreneur behind Skinnies Instant Lifts.  While Penilopee runs a successful business today, there was a time when she struggled just to make ends meet.

She explains, “My goal was to have money for gas at that point. That was my big agenda. I worked. I had a good-paying job, but I never had any money. I mean, it just kinda–it was like a had a pocket with a hole in it. And I was just continually in debt.”   

She was $3K in the red when she decided to ask God for help.  

“Who better to get counsel from than God who has the solution to every problem that exists,” she exclaims. “I started listening to a tape series called Believing You Receive and it really taught the fundamentals about giving and receiving.”

Penilopee started tithing and praying over her bills, believing that God would provide a way out of her debt.

She declares, “I had a legal right, at that point to stand before God and say, ‘I've done everything you asked me to do, now please do everything you told me you would.’"

Shortly after, she had a conversation with a woman she’d recently met.

“And she was like, ‘You know what? The Lord's just put it on my heart to pay off your debts,’” Penilopee remembers.  She laughs, “I was like, ‘What? Are you kidding me?’” 

Penilopee kept tithing and was always able to pay her bills. Later, she met and married, Nick. He owned and managed a number of rental properties and was a painting contractor, with hopes of financial freedom.

“I've always wanted to be, you know, debt free and be able to help folks,” he says.

The couple agreed that putting God first would open the door to financial blessings. So, by faith, they made tithing a priority in their marriage. They also gave above their tithe.   

Nick explains, “When you're giving it does something that just defeats the enemy. It really, really does. And if you're giving that's, you know, showing your heart and what you do.”

The couple dreamed of buying a home in cash and providing a Christian education for their kids. At the time, they didn’t earn enough for either of those things, but they continued tithing, giving, and seeking God. Meanwhile, Penilopee wanted to see Nick retire from painting.

“And that's when she prayed to God that something would change,” Nick recalls.

Big financial breakthroughs followed. Nick was able to sell his rental properties at a profit, quit painting, and even invest in more rentals.  

“Within two years from when we started believing God to pay cash for our house, we were able to pay cash for a house,” Penilopee exclaims. “That's just the Lord's doing. There's no getting around that.”

And as Penilopee prayed that God would provide creative solutions to increase their income even more, she started getting ideas for inventions like Skinnies Instant Lifts.

Nick says, “I've heard ladies on the phone crying thanking her for the product that she invented.”

Skinnies landed the couple on Shark Tank, immediately increasing their sales by 400%.   

“There's a general, you know, spiritual law there that you give, you know, and it'll be given unto you,” Nick explains.  

As sales and income have continued to skyrocket, they’ve been able to put their kids through Christian school. And even with the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was their best year yet. 

Penilopee says, “If you're led by the spirit of God, and you're giving and tithing, that's where your home run comes from. That’s when things start flowing, and you start getting your breakthroughs.”

Nick concludes, “You do what you’re supposed to do, and God takes care of the rest.”