7 Fun Things to Do When April Showers


The “plup” of heavy rain hitting the rooftop of a house is one of the most relaxing sounds. But if you’re not in the mood for rain, it can ruin your Saturday.

A sunny day is preferred, but sometimes you just have to make the most of the weather and find a way to enjoy your time inside.

Next time you’re stuck at home, take advantage of the downtime the rain has given to you.

7 Things to Do Indoors

1. Dance the Day Away

Instead of being lazy all day, get up and move. Load your favorite music on your iPod or listen to free Christian music online from CBN Radio and dance. You can go solo or get the whole family involved. It’s a great way to burn some calories too!

2. Revisit Old TV and Movie Favorites

Instead of seeing one your movies that you’ve seen a dozen times, watch them on Hulu or Netflix (with a subscription charge). These websites offer full-length episodes from classic shows to the latest hits on television. Even rummage through your DVD collection and find something you haven't seen in awhile.

3. Curl Up and Read

Whenever a rainy day comes around, I immediate picture myself curled up on a couch reading a book. It’s calming and lets my imagination go beyond the four walls of the living room. You can’t go wrong with a good book.

4. Go Hobby Wild

Pull out your scrapbooking or a paint brush and pick up that hobby you’ve forgotten about. A rainy day can be a creative one. Whatever your hobby was, get back to it. Include your kids too. Let them express themselves through coloring or even finger painting (if you want to be a little daring).

5. Write It Out

Not many people write letters anymore. It’s a lost art. If you've been meaning to catch up with friends or relatives, but just haven’t gotten around to it, write them a letter. You will bless them with something that’s much more personal than an e-mail or quick phone call. And you’ll enjoy writing letters again. I promise.

6. Baking Queen

Even if you don’t normally spend a lot of time in the kitchen, break out the cooking mitts. Trying a new recipe will give you something fun to do and your house will smell wonderful the rest of the day. If your kids are around, get them in the kitchen with you. Just be careful about what they can get into while you’re baking.

7. Get Away with God

What better way to spend your time than with God. Grab your Bible and read some encouraging words, allowing God to minister to you. While the rain nourishes the soul, let God’s living water flood your soul with His peace.

It’s important to relax and a rainy day can help you do just that. Enjoy the break with your kids baking in the kitchen or reading alone by the window. Whatever you do, rest in the Lord.