God Spoke . . . and Hes Still Doing So


God spoke to our forefathers "through the prophets" and "by His Son," one Scripture writer said. Another quoted the Son as telling the forefathers, "I have much more to say to you" by the Holy Spirit, whom He calls "the Spirit of Truth," who "will guide you into all truth."

Obviously, we, you and I, need to be listening all the time now, right now, today, tomorrow; you can be sure Hes talking if He really has "much more" to say to us. Furthermore, Hes your friend, a good one, and friends talk.

The first writer mentioned was the author of Hebrews, who doesnt identify himself. The other was John the apostle, "the disciple whom Jesus loved" (John 13:23, etc., NIV). Read Hebrews 1:1-2 and John 16:12-15 for starters. John 15:12-17 tells a lot about friendship; please read it, too.

This matter of Gods speaking is central to the faith, beloved. It means we begin with God, not ourselves. The Creator, the Potter, speaks to the creature. That way we dont make God in our image. He makes us in His image. He makes us in His image and then explains it to us.

This drives the world crazy: when we say God has spoken. It gets only a little bit upset when we speak of a mysterious God, far off, who might just be a creation of our own minds. But when we insist that God has spoken, that changes everything.

Weve been looking in recent weeks at the ways God speaks to His people the gifts and how they work. You see, God truly does speak to us through the church, through other people. But dont ever forget: He also speaks to us through the Word, through circumstances, and directly.

The agent in all of this, of course, is the Holy Spirit, as we saw in John. But lets look again at how Paul says it in 1 Corinthians 2:10b-16. Its so practical that he says we have "the mind of Christ." Paul so rightly expresses this as "power" look at 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. This, of course, is how Jesus described it, too: "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you" (Acts 1:8).

Remember, beloved, you have the Holy Spirit in you and upon you. If youve been baptized in or with the Spirit, youve been saturated with the Spirit. And as you stand in the Council of God (Jeremiah 23:16-22) you are in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3) He can and will speak to you.