“I Was Shocked When I Saw My Husband Lifeless on the Floor”


Eastern Samar, Philippines

Maribel is a widow raising five children, including a two-month-old baby. Her husband died trying to protect the family during a devastating typhoon that hit their community in the Philippines.

“When the roof of our shelter was collapsing,” she said, “My husband’s arm got cut by a broken window. He saved us but he could not save himself. I was shocked when I saw my husband, lifeless on the floor. It hurts a lot.” 

When we went to meet them during an Operation Blessing disaster relief distribution to their community, they showed us what was left of the house they once lived in. They had been sleeping at an emergency shelter and with relatives when COVID-19 hit.

“How can we survive if no one helps us?” Maribel told CBN. “I’m worried that we will never have a house of our own again. I’m scared for my kids.” 

The loss of her father and her home has been hard on Marilou, Maribel’s oldest daughter. “I lost all hope, because I can’t really build a house for my family,” she said. “Only my dad was strong enough to build one for us.”

When Operation Blessing met Maribel, we gave her a food pack filled with rice and other groceries. A few weeks later we returned with a second round of disaster relief. We also began building a new home for the family.  

“We’re happy because we now have a house,” said a happy Marilou, who was seated on a log with her younger brother.  

“I never thought we’d have our own house!” added Maribel.  

Then, to help Maribel have some income, we gave her pigs to raise and sell. 

“I remember telling my kids that we should pray,” she recalled. “I thank the Lord for hearing our prayers! He sent us all the help we need. Thank you for everyone who helped!”