Iran's War Games


The Iranian news agency, ISNA, announced that Iran's military will begin three days of war games on Monday. Both Iran's Revolutionary Guard and the regular army will participate.

While Iran conducts military exercises on a regular basis, these maneuvers take on more significance since they involve Iran's anti-aircraft defense systems.

This might well be a reaction to Israel's exercise held in June, when nearly 100 Israeli jets conducted maneuvers over the Mediterranean.

Many analysts believe Israel's exercise replicated a possible attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.

Given the June maneuvers and its own vulnerabilities, Iran knows it needs to defend its air space.

The exercises also come amid intense speculation of a possible U.S. and/or Israeli military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities; it is widely believed that scientists are developing a nuclear bomb there.

Given these exercises and Iran's pursuit of a nuclear device, what are the options left to both Israel and the United States?

According to Menash Amir, an expert on Iranian affairs, the options are vast.

One option, Amir believes, is the use of cruise missiles.

"Iran's air defenses are weak and they are vulnerable to cruise missiles," Amir told CBN News. He thinks the U.S. could easily destroy Iran's nuclear facilities with cruise missiles, keeping U.S. forces out of harm's way.

The Iranian-born Amir also says he doesn't take Iran's boasts too seriously. "Iran's capability to attack other countries is less than what they say."

Recently, Iran claimed that an attack on their country would provoke World War III.

The threat of a military strike takes place with an uncertain political landscape here in Israel.

Israeli police reported Sunday they will recommend that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert be indicted for corruption. It's possible the indictment will come in December -- the time frame many believe is ideal for military action against Iran.

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