You Liked Him Enough to Marry Him


Tall, dark, and handsome. Blonde, blue eyed, and rugged. Funny, intelligent, quiet, outgoing or strong... whatever you loved about this guy, you liked him enough to marry him.

The lovey-dovey feeling of being in love wears off for most couples around the two-year mark. Then, we must make a conscious decision to honor our commitments and learn to value our spouses' good qualities. With a little effort, we can keep the fires of romance burning.

We like our husbands to compliment us about a new outfit, a meal we cooked, or any of our admirable characteristics. Our guys need sincere praise too, even if they don't ask for it. We may see our men as dependable, good looking, and hard workers, yet seldom do we realize how much they would appreciate being told. When we make it a daily habit to tell our men what we admire and like about them, we build their self-esteem.

"You are so handsome, my love, pleasing beyond words!" - Song of Songs 1:16

Ignore the Elevator Admirer

We don't want our guys paying undue attention to the woman on the elevator who says, "My, you look strong." Nor do we want our husbands to feel enticed when the girl at the office compliments his work or flirts when we have ignored him.

It's our responsibility to let our guys know how much we like their great work ethic, big smile, strong arms, and deep voice or whatever we admire. When we notice and comment on their positive traits, they won't have as much desire to seek approval from the elevator woman or office girl.

Appreciate His Sacrifices

Our men desire acknowledgement of the sacrifices they make to protect and provide for us. They want to hear us tell them we still think they look attractive. They like to know we appreciate the tasks they do around the house, how they play with the kids, and the special favors they do for us. They deserve and desire our praise. He's your hunk and you need to tell him.

Share His Good Qualities

At one conference, I asked the ladies to share one good quality about their husbands. A woman stood, then rubbed her tummy and patted the top of her head at the same time. She said, "I love his little round belly and his shiny bald head." Ladies, we can find great qualities about our men, even if they have made significant changes since we first met them.

What we say to others about our spouses will build their self-esteem or tear them down. Don't talk bad about your husband to your girlfriends. Broadcast your love in what you say.

Show Interest in His Hobbies

Take interest in his hobbies and activities, whether he likes sports, cars, music, or feels passionate about his work. I showed my husband I cared when I went with him to several military functions each month. He wanted me by his side because it demonstrated my support of his career choice.

I joined him in other activities he liked. I couldn't play well when I went golfing with my husband, but I enjoyed walking the golf courses. A football game on television became a great weekend entertainment for us when I had a piece of cross-stitch in my hands. We met in a singing group and music still plays a big part in our relationship.

Be the one to admire your husband, his body, and personality. Join him in pursuits he likes. Make him feel like he's your hunk.