Mother's Active Life Restored Through Prayer


In addition to being a wife and mother, there’s something else that defines Heather: her love for coaching high school sports.   

“This is my livelihood and my calling, I feel.  I love it.  Without a doubt, it's my passion.”

And for Heather, being a successful coach includes scrimmaging with the athletes.  But when she started feeling neck pain in 2015, she found it difficult to do her job.

“It really hit me in basketball practice, when I kinda pride myself on being a good passer and I went to throw a pass and it just fell out of my arm.”

Eventually, she couldn’t participate at all, even the most simple movements caused excruciating pain.

“I would get to the stop sign, I would get so frustrated cause I didn't have that mobility to look left and right, so I’d stop and I’d literally have to turn my whole body.”

Before long, the pain was affecting her home life as well.

“So, I felt like I was definitely letting everybody around me down, especially when I got home I felt like I was letting my family down. I didn't want to cook, I didn't want to clean, I didn't want to be the wife or the mother I was supposed to be.”

“That's all she really talked about,” remembered husband, Shane, “was her neck. ‘my neck, my neck.’ Just seeing her being depressed like that was just you know, awful to see.”

“I went to several different doctors and they kept giving me pills to mask the pain and help me with the pain.  But we really couldn’t figure out what was going on.  I spent thousands of dollars getting massages, trying to work it out.  I was trying to do everything I knew using every resource I knew how and just not seeing any type of results,” said Heather.

“I prayed all the time.  I felt like God was not hearing me at all.  And I didn’t understand.  I remember one time getting so depressed and just sitting on the floor and just crying and saying, you know, ‘I don't know what to do anymore.  I'm just over it.’"  

Heather had been in pain for about 6 months, when she stumbled onto the 700 Club.  Terry and Gordon were giving words of knowledge.

“I honestly thought it was all hocus-pocus.  I thought, ‘This is really weird.’ but I had folded my hands, I’m sitting on the couch and I bent my head while they were praying for people, and terry came on and said…”

“Someone else,” said Terry through the TV screen, “you have a problem with some of the vertebrae at the top of your spine and it makes your neck tight.  God is just healing that for you right now, you’re going to feel a kind of warmth in that upper part.  Just move your head around and there’s freedom there for you.   

“I was so overcome, I said, ‘God, she's talking to me.  And as soon as I lifted my head it was like a snap and a release from my body.  I was so overcome with joy I started crying,” said Heather.  “And I remember the first thing I did was moving my head left and right cause I could not do that for so long.  I knew I was healed.  First, I said ‘thank you God, for healing me.  Thank you.’  and I just started crying.”  

“My wife called me and she said, ‘Shane, I’ve been healed, I’ve been healed.’ and I was like, ‘What do you mean?’  She goes, ‘I can move my neck, Jesus healed me.’ I mean, as soon as she was healed she got back to her old self,” remembered Shane.  “She started to, want to get back to work and do things … like she couldn’t do before…it was just – yea, it was an immediate change.  and just to see her back to her normal self was just amazing to me.”

Heather has been going full-speed ever since.

“I can get back out there, I can play with the kids again.  I'm not very good, but I can get out there and be a part of it. and be able to pass and just – little stuff you take for granted every day.  And you know, what a blessing.  That was the biggest thing for me, is he knows my name, he knows Heather, and how amazing that is to know that God really does know each and every one of us and how much he loves us and really does care about us.”