Trouble with the Curve: Movie Review


Clint Eastwood has played the grumpy old man before. This time, he's Gus, an aging baseball scout in Trouble with the Curve.

A movie about baseball and a frazzled relationship between a stubborn dad and a strong-willed daughter, Trouble with the Curve does pull on the heartstrings – to a point. This new film is laced with as much profanity and obscenities as one can get into a PG-13 movie. It's throughout, mainly coming from the mouth of Eastwood's angry character.


With his eyesight going, Gus struggles to do routine things around the house, let alone his job at the baseball field. The aging scout relies on his other senses to pick out the best players for his ball team. When a hot new prospect comes to the attention of rival ball clubs, Gus has to prove he can still cut it by assessing the kid’s raw talent. Despite his efforts to keep his ailment a secret, Gus’ daughter, Mickey, tries to rescue his career and their estranged relationship. Stubborn to a fault, Gus resists.


Trouble with the Curve stars Clint Eastwood, but the legendary filmmaker didn’t sit in the director’s chair this time around. He left that in the capable hands of Robert Lorenz, whom Eastwood has worked with for years on such film as Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby. Eastwood is joined on screen by Amy Adams (Enchanted), John Goodman (Roseanne) and music artist-turned actor Justin Timberlake (In Time).

Rated PG-13 for language, sexual references, some thematic material and smoking, Trouble with the Curve has the potential to offend. Fathers and daughters will especially appreciate the film’s push for reconciliation. On a therapeutic level, the movie speaks to the long-lasting consequences of our actions, the pain of rejection and the power of forgiveness.

Where the movie lacks is in its predictability and moments of cliché. Fragile points in the dialogue also downplay the overall dramatic story. Striking moments are weaved through ordinary.


Trouble with the Curve has a lot going for it – in cast and drama. There is strength in story, but its weak areas bring it down to a 3 out of 5 rating.