Ready for a “Do Over” in Your Life?


Maira Alejandra

If you’re looking for a great read this summer, we have the perfect one for you: Jon Acuff’s latest book Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck.

The New York Times best-selling author of five books, including Quitter and Start (very clever, we know), stopped by our studios this week to talk to us about his latest project.

Acuff shared with us about his personal “do over,” and how we all have some basic elements that are crucial to launch our personal “do overs.”

(He also talked about unicorns and gave us some interesting Pinterest insight).

Time for a “Do Over”


Choosing Your Attitude vs. Changing Your Attitude

Jon also answered some questions from his readers:

Dealing With Uncertainty:

What do you do if you’re the foe you mention in your book?


What role did building relationships play in your personal do over?

Can I really have a “do over?”