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His Land, His People, His Plans, His Purposes

Israeli School Girls in Shiloh, CBN News image

JERUSALEM, Israel – No news agency, politician, or anyone else for that matter can thwart God's plans for the land and people He calls His own – nor for Jerusalem, the city to which He lays claim for all eternity.

"The Lord also will roar from Zion and utter His voice from Jerusalem. The heavens and earth will shake, but the Lord will be a shelter for His people and the strength of the children of Israel," writes the prophet Yoel. "So you shall know that I am the Lord your God, dwelling in Zion, My holy mountain. Then Jerusalem shall be holy and no aliens shall ever pass through her again." (Joel 3:16-17)

Today more than ever, there is no lack of news stories, analyses, commentaries, social media posts, etc., about Israel. Everyone seems to have an opinion about the Jewish state and its future.

Even a cursory glance at the headlines reveals an unquenchable penchant for news and analysis about Israel. It seems everyone has something to say.

But despite the prolific information available from one end of the earth to the other, Israel's God holds the nation in His hands. No matter how it looks, no matter what happens, He alone will prevail. And that's enough to give anyone courage even in the most dire circumstances.

Boys in Elon Moreh Celebrate Yom Haatzmaut, Photo TPS, Oren Rivlin

The prerequisite for believing that perspective is the Bible. In it, God reveals Israel's past, present and future and provides a firm foundation for those who take Him at His Word.

"And the Lord answered the angel who talked to me, with good and comforting words. So the angel who spoke with me said to me, 'Proclaim, saying, thus says the Lord of hosts: I am zealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with great zeal. I am exceedingly angry with the nations at ease; for I was a little angry and they helped, but with evil intent.

"Therefore thus says the Lord: 'I am returning to Jerusalem with mercy; My house shall be built in it,' says the Lord of hosts, 'and a surveyor's line shall be stretched out over Jerusalem.'

"Again proclaim, saying, 'Thus says the Lord of hosts: My cities shall again spread out through prosperity; the Lord will again comfort Zion and will again choose Jerusalem.'" (Zechariah 1:13-17)

Praying at the Kotel, Photo TPS, Kobi Richter

We live in a time when we see many of the Lord's proclamations being fulfilled. Against the most impossible odds, the Jews' biblical homeland was re-established in 1948. The re-gathering of the Jewish people to the land of their forefathers continues. God says not one will remain in exile.

Welcome Home! New Immigrants Arrive

Some may disagree, but that's not the issue. God's plans and purposes will prevail even against seemingly impossible odds.

"Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand and I will do all My pleasure." (Isaiah 46:9-10)

So we will continue to pray and entrust Israel's future to Him.


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