Drinking Water with Dead Animals in It


Saida, her mom, and little sister have come to depend on a small collecting pond at the end of a trail in the mountains of Honduras. It is far from their home, but it is their only source of water.

"We walked more than one hour, each way, to get just a few gallons of water," Saida’s mother Sonia told us. "Then, we had to do it again later in the day."

The water is dirty and filled with E. coli and other bacteria.

"We had to drink the filthy water because there was no other water near us," said Saida.

One day, they found a dead possum in the pond.

"When I saw it, I said, ‘Mom, you have to get it out of the water,’" said Saida.

"Even though I took it out, I didn’t feel comfortable collecting any water that day. We knew it was already contaminated," added Sonia.

"We didn't drink any water in the whole day because of the dead animal," said Saida.

The next day, they collected water again. This time, Saida got really sick from drinking it.

"I thought I was going to die. I felt so sick," she said.

"My daughter was really bad. I made her a home remedy, but then I had to leave her to go collect water from the pond. I felt so desperate," said her mom.

When CBN's Operation Blessing learned about the family and how all the people in the community were suffering from the bad water, we offered to help. First, we built a new water storage tank that is not exposed to the elements. Then, we piped water from another location to fill the tank. Finally, we purified it so everyone had clean water to drink.

"That day, I was really happy because we all have clean water!" said Saida. "The water is delicious. Thanks Operation Blessing!"

"Now, we don't have to go far away to collect contaminated water. God used Operation Blessing to bring water to us!" added mom.