Does Your Job Bring You Satisfaction?

12-31-1969  “I’ve never been big on a huge wardrobe. I’ve never been big on driving the latest car. I have been big on giving,” says Karen Rae.

She isn’t your typical grandmother. Instead of retiring, Karen’s working two jobs because she believes in giving.

“I don’t do it to be blessed, but I have to tell you I don’t mind the joy that comes to me in the giving,” she says.

The words joy and giving were not always synonymous for Karen. That is until the summer of 1998 when her granddaughter was flipping through the channels and Karen heard something new – Pat Robertson was teaching on the law of reciprocity.

“The scripture says to test God,” Karen recalls. “I thought, ‘if Pat is speaking truth here and God is saying trust me, I am going to jump on board.’”

Karen called and joined as a 700 Club Gold member. She started watching the program and after two months she doubled her pledge. The second time, she became a member of the 1000 Club.

“I thought well it’s easy to give 40. Let me sacrifice a bit here and give 84,” she says.

To Karen, the sacrifice seemed easy because of the wonderful things she saw CBN doing - especially through Operation Blessing.

“They go to the poorest of the poor,” she says. “They do not care about whether or not they are Christian. They go in the name of the Lord and ‘do the doing.’”

Today, Karen is a full-time counselor and a full-time nanny. Her motivation for working that second job is knowing that her money is helping people know the love of Christ all over the world. She is now a 2500 Club member.

“The gift of giving and the gift of knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior... there’s just no greater adventure or journey in life,” Karen says.

God wants to bless you too, just as He has blessed Karen. One way you can give to God’s work is through CBN. Not only will you reach thousands each day with a message of truth and hope through The 700 Club, you will also help feed and clothe children around the world, bring medical aid to those suffering, and so much more. Please join with us today.