Sheila Walsh

“Women try to do it all, be the best Christian, the best mother, the best wife, etc. They put overwhelming pressure on themselves,” says Sheila.

Sheila understands: "I lived for several years in the cape-and-boots role, determined to show God and the world that no matter what the problem was, I was only a bugle call away. I have also had times when all I wanted to do was pull the covers over my head and pray that a bus would run over the bulge, and the world would go away and leave me alone. I used to be Sheila the Magnificent, and then I became Sheila the Depressed until God showed me the role that He had created for me, Sheila the Wonderfully Made."

Sheila keeps her life in balance by giving herself wholeheartedly to whatever project she is currently working on, whether it is writing a book, singing, or speaking. Through the years she has also come to realize it is okay to say no.

“For years I tried to please everyone and it nearly killed me. It is such a destructive pattern,” says Sheila. "I don't think that God calls any of us to be Wonder Woman, but He does want us to know that He has made us wonderful!" says Sheila. It doesn't matter if you are fat or thin, tall or short, black or white, married or single - if we will exchange our view of our life for God's, it will transform the way we live. When God has our heart, really has it, when there is nothing in life more important than serving and loving Him, only then do we feel really alive. God wants our hearts. He doesn't want our activity alone, our busyness, our long list of things we have done for Him; He wants us.

Sheila travels 30 weekends a year with Women of Faith conferences as a featured speaker. Her husband and son travel with her. In her travels she has come to realize that she is not alone in the quest to find out what on earth God had in mind when He created Eve, the very first woman. "We are all on a journey in this life; we have no choice on that front, but we are either growing or shrinking inside. W are either becoming more fully the woman that God knows us to be or becoming less recognizable daily," says Sheila.

Drawing from her Scottish roots, Sheila Walsh combines Celtic instrumentation from her childhood with some of today's top worship songs such as "Shout To The Lord", "Open The Eyes Of My Heart", and "I Can Only Imagine". Sheila says, “So many of these classics or hymns of our day have left a real mark on my heart.” With this cd, she was able to share these worship songs in a unique way. “The CD was recorded in my house thanks to modern technology. I didn’t even have to go to a studio which can often times be overwhelming,” says Sheila.

I'm Not Wonder Woman But God Made Me Wonderful!
(Thomas Nelson 2006)