Surviving the Lockdown With Six Kids and No Food


Alma is a street vendor.  As Covid 19 hit her city in the Philippines, she worried where the family’s next meal would come from. Alma and her husband work as day laborers.  If they don’t work, there’s no money to buy food that evening. And they haven’t been able to work since the nationwide lockdown began.  

We lost our livelihood,” said Alma Gayo. “I have 6 six kids and I didn’t know how long we’d be able to last.” 

Alma’s neighbor Arlie lives next door. She’s also a day laborer. The quarantine meant she was out of work too.

We had no other source of income to buy food,” said Arlie Labaranza. “Where could I turn? My relatives are in the same situation as we are. So I just hold on to God. It’s really tough, but I’m choosing to trust in Him.”

When Operation Blessing learned about Alma and Arlie we provided them with food packs including rice, milk, canned goods and clean drinking water.  We also gave cleaning supplies to help to prevent the spread of the virus.   The food packs have been distributed safely and will continue to be delivered families in areas hardest hit by the virus.  

“We’re so happy because we didn’t expect to get help from people who don’t even know us!  God really answers prayers. He is our hope,” said Arlie. 

“My kids were so excited because they had so much food to eat. Thank you so much!” added Alma.