Moms Are the Real Superheroes


Motherhood is NOT for the faint of heart!

I have 2 children (both grown now - thank you Jesus).

But I remember when my kids were little; the runny noses, those sleepness nights, endless diaper changes and the whole potty training season (a time I don't even want to remember).  Let’s just say my son was going on 3 before he FINALLY got it down.

And then there was the time my daughter had colic; horrible, absolutely horrible.  

Nothing, and I mean, nothing seemed to help.  I remember walking with her on my shoulder in the middle of the night and she just would not stop screaming!  I prayed and cried as I tried to comfort my baby girl, but it was not easy. When the sun rose the next morning, I was thankful the night’s pain had passed and that my baby was resting well.  Does't the Bible say something about "weeping enduring for the night but joy comes in the morning?" Well joy had come!

I’m sure Mothers with young children have their own stories to tell, especially when it’s time to put the baby down for a nap during the day or for bed at night.

And for some reason, the cute way Hollywood portrays parents putting kids down for the night is NOT how it usually goes.

For example, my kids hated bedtime (even after I read them a bedtime story). They often fought sleep hard and cried until they couldn’t hold out any longer.

And then there were the times I’d put them to sleep and tried sneaking out of the room hoping they’d stay asleep – only for them to wake up when I tried to leave.

That’s why I’m so amazed when I hear stories like the one involving Corrie Whyte from Ontario.

Whyte has triplet infants and a two-year old toddler (God bless her).

A video of her getting her children ready for bed went viral a few months ago.  

The footage shows Corrie laying all four children on the bed with their pj’s ready to go.  She tries to dress them when all of a sudden the babies all start crawling around the bed – the toddler is shown jumping up and down and running around on the bed.

She struggles to get them all calmed down and dressed and the entire time Corrie has a huge smile on her face (the woman must be a saint).

If bedtime was this much work for her, I can only imagine what the other part of her day must be like.

Anyway, it’s an adorable video and has been viewed by countless people all across the globe.

In the end, Corrie finally accomplishes her goal and gives the camera a thumbs-up before she collapses onto the bed.
This routine no doubt, happens every single night – when the camera isn’t rolling.

Proverbs 31:28 says, "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her."

So here's a shout out to my own Mother, Mrs. Laura Mae Davis who's now in Heaven.  I love and miss you Mrs. Davis!

And to Corrie Wythe and all the other Moms out there, your labor (no pun intended) is not in vain! God Bless you!

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