On the Trail: Obama Targets Clinton


My goodness. Obviously, Barack Obama must think he's still at the debate in Myrtle Beach. In Greenville, South Carolina, he delivered a speech and basically picked up where he left off as he ripped Hillary Clinton.I'm here in Greenville and saw it in person.

Listen, I've seen Obama speak many times and he's mentioned Clinton once in a while. But nothing like today. he's ready for a fight. Or as he would say, "Fired up. Ready to go." Read the text of his cutting remarks below:

In the debate last night, we spent some time talking about the economy. And one of the things I brought up that concerned me was that when Senator Clinton first released her economic stimulus plan, she didn't think that workers or seniors needed immediate tax relief. She thought it could wait until things got worse. Five days later, the economy didn't really change, but the politics apparently did, because she changed her plan to look just like mine.

It reminds me of what happened when we started debating the credit card industry's bankruptcy bill - a bill that would make it much harder for working families to climb out of debt. Believe it or not, Senator Clinton said again last night that even though she voted for the bill, she was glad it didn't pass. I know you can get away with this in Washington, but most of us know that if you don't want to see a bill pass, there's a pretty easy option available - you can vote against it.

And we've heard her say the same kind of thing about NAFTA and China trade -agreements that sent millions of American jobs - thousands from this very state - overseas. Because only in Washington could Senator Clinton say that NAFTA led to economic improvement up until she started running for President. Now she says we need a time-out on trade. No one knows when this time-out will end. Maybe after the election.

My one on one interview with Barack Obama will be coming later this afternoon.
