Brody File Exclusive: Ted Cruz Says Donald Trump Is A "Card-Carrying Member of the Washington Cartel"


GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz tells The Brody File that frustration with both GOP and Democrat establishment politicians (Cruz calls them the, “Washington Cartel”) are responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. “It is the frustration with the ‘Washington Cartel’ that created Donald Trump. Now here’s the irony, Donald Trump is a card-carrying member of the ‘Washington Cartel.’ Donald has said many times in TV interviews, quote ‘seven months ago I, Donald Trump, was a member of the establishment.’ He’s been one of those people buying favors, currying favors.” Cruz says Trump is playing everyone for fools. “What Donald is doing is he is pretending to be an insurgent like an actor in a Hollywood movie he is playing the part of insurgent.”

Our interview was done Wednesday afternoon in Miami.


Ted Cruz: “The GOP establishment, did they create Donald Trump, did something happen? There is frustration with the Republican establishment, you’re talking about the ‘Washington Cartel,’ but Donald Trump seems to be a creation of what the GOP establishment has done here.”

Ted Cruz: “Look, absolutely, although I wouldn’t put it just on the GOP establishment.  It’s the GOP establishment and the democrats, it is the Washington Cartel. You know my book last year, “A Time for Truth”, I talk about the Washington Cartel which is the term I use for the career politicians in both parties that get in bed with the lobbyist and special interest and just keep growing government. And it is the frustration with the Washington Cartel that created Donald Trump. Now here’s the irony, Donald Trump is a card-carrying member of the Washington Cartel. Donald has said many times in TV interviews, quote ‘seven months ago I, Donald Trump, was a member of the establishment.’ He’s been one of those people buying favors, currying favors; and by the way let’s be clear he wasn’t doing so because of some altruistic desire to promote any principles.” 

Ted Cruz: “Yes the Washington Cartel created Donald and what Donald is doing is he is pretending to be an insurgent like an actor in a Hollywood movie he is playing the part of insurgent. But what’s amazing David, is he’s also telling us even as this is happening that he’s lying to us. You look at the last debate where he said over and over again, he needed to be flexible, he needed to be flexible. Now you and I both know the word flexible is code word in Washington for we’re getting ready to stick it to you, because it always means when someone is flexible that they’re going to cut a deal that favors Wall Street and ‘Big Business’ at the expense of working men and women. And even on immigration, Donald Trump told the New York Times editorial board he doesn’t believe what he said on immigration, he’s not going to build a wall, he’s not going to deport anyone, that’s just rhetoric for the voters who he thinks are gullible enough to believe it. And if you’re frustrated with politicians lying to you, then it doesn’t make sense to support a candidate who tells you he’s lying to you, he’s going to break every promise.