Tiny House for 22 People


CBN Reporter, Dan Reany, said, “As I sat with Manya, in her small apartment in Nazareth, she told me about her life under Nazi occupation during the Holocaust.”

Manya explained, “One of my earliest memories is of my father and eldest brother leaving to join the Red Army and the sadness I felt seeing them go. Then the Nazis came and turned our village into a ghetto. It all happened so fast.”

Thousands of Jews from the surrounding area were forced into the ghetto. Manya’s family shared their tiny house with 22 people, and worked in the fields from morning to night.

Manya said, “Every day I cried to my mother, because I was so hungry. Sometimes she’d give me a piece of the beetroot the Nazis made us grow in the fields. This is how we survived.  But many people in my family were beaten or killed before liberation.”

Manya immigrated to Israel with her husband in 1990. Now she’s a widow living alone in poverty. So, CBN Israel brings her food regularly. Lately, it’s been harder for Manya to get around. To help, we got her a new walker with a built-in chair she can use to rest whenever she needs to.

“The food is wonderful, and the walker is so nice,” said Manya. “I’ll be able to get out more and that makes me happy. I can’t say enough how grateful I am.”

With the support of CBN Israel donors, Manya says her hope has been restored.    

“This help is so important,” said Manya. “It’s good for my soul.  It encourages me to know you care about what we went through. In Hebrew we say, ‘Todah mikerev lev.’ Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”