Christians across the country gathered this week for the annual National Day of Prayer, the day set aside by Congress in 1952.
The main event took place in the marble-lined halls of the U.S. Capitol, where people prayed for America, the Church, the military, and the economy. The event drew lawyers, judges, members of the Armed Forces, lawmakers, and religious leaders from various denominations.
Watch John Jessup's report below, which includes this year's keynote speaker Dr. David Jeremiah's remarks.
In conjunction with the National Day of Prayer, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert is sponsoring an event for members of Congress and their staff in the U.S. Capitol's grand Statuary Hall.
Designed to mark the 223rd anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington, the event focuses on the nation's first President as a man of faith and a man of prayer. A public bulletin about the event notes that "Washington's first act as President was to offer a prayer of dedication to God on behalf of the new Republic."
Organizers of "Washington - A Man of Prayer" are asking all Christians to pray for America, spiritual awakening and revival.
Speakers include David Barton (WallBuilders), Doug Stringer (Somebody Cares International), Harry Jackson (High Impact Leadership), and the event organizer Dan Cummins (Come Pray with Me).
Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, approved the use of Stat Hall for the gathering, scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 5 p.m. You can see the broadcast on
Watch Rep. Louie Gohmert discuss the significance of "Washington - A Man of Prayer."