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Orban Wins Big in Hungary, Opposing Islamic Immigration and Vowing to Stop George Soros


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban decisively won re-election Sunday, and his party appeared to have won a super-majority in the Hungarian parliament.  

He calls it an "opportunity to defend Hungary." Orban has said the country needed a government dedicated to Christian values, calling it Europe's "last hope."

Orban has also strongly warned against Islamic immigration in Europe, suggesting the phenomenon is a threat to European Christian culture.

He claims his opponents, with the help of the United Nations, the European Union and wealthy philanthropist George Soros, hope to see Hungary overrun with mostly Muslim migrants.

"If the dam bursts, if the borders are opened, if immigrants set foot in Hungary, there will be no going back," he said during his campaign-closing rally on Friday. "The greatest threat of all is posed by the millions of immigrants coming from the south, and Europe's leaders ... have no intention of defending the borders."

Now, with Orban's governing Fidesz party having a super-majority in the legislature, the party can push through the so-called "Stop Soros" bill.

"Soros has antagonized not only us but also England, President Trump, and Israel too," he said of the Hungarian-born liberal billionaire. "Everywhere he wants to get migration accepted. It won't work. We are not alone and we will fight together and we will succeed."

Several years ago, Orban's government built a border fence to stem the flood of hundreds of thousands Middle Eastern immigrants who were fleeing ISIS violence.

Critics worry he will use his power to intensify his attacks on immigration. Some of them have called him a racist and a xenophobe.

Orban, however, has been unapologetic about his stance.

"In spite of attacks and mockery, patriots deserve recognition for again and again lowering this anchor: for telling us to our face, time and again, that the homeland comes before all else. Or, in an updated form, borrowed from the Americans: 'Hungary First,' " he said.

Meanwhile, as radical Islamic terrorism continues to threaten Europe from France to Germany to Great Britain, the people of Hungary clearly support Orban.

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