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Hungary's Christian 'Defender' Warns of a Soros 'Mercenary Army' and Pro-Islamic Agenda in Sunday Election

Viktor Orban
Viktor Orban
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban looks poised to win another term as the country gets ready for a complicated parliamentary election Sunday.
As Hungary's leader, Orban frequently speaks out in defense of Christianity, saying late last year the country needed a government dedicated to Christian values.
Orban has also strongly warned against Islamic immigration in Europe calling it a threat to European Christian culture.
He and his ministers warn that Hungary will descend into chaos if they allow it to become an "immigrant country" like France or Belgium which have seen huge spikes in radical Islamic terrorism in recent years.
"We will never allow Hungary to become a target country for immigrants," he told Hungarian TV, according to BBC News. "We want to keep Hungary as Hungary."
Orban believes the solution is not immigration but rather to encourage Hungarian families to have more children.
Several years ago, his government built a border fence to stem the flood of hundreds of thousands Middle Eastern immigrants who were fleeing ISIS violence. Critics blasted him as a racist.
Orban has been leading in the polls ahead of Sunday's vote, and if he's reelected, it would be his third straight four-year term.
But he warns that leftist Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros has built a "mercenary army" of 2,000 people "paid to work toward bringing down the government" in the election.
Orban says it's because the EU, the UN, and Soros are all working to force Hungary to take in thousands of mainly Muslim migrants to weaken its independence and its Christian identity and culture.
"So-called NGOs camouflaging themselves as philanthropic and human rights groups are basically going against the established rules of this country and the European Union, helping illegal immigration happen," spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said.

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