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From Darkness to Light: The Journey of a Nazi's Grandson to Blessing Holocaust Survivors

German Alexander Dietze blesses Holocaust survivors through his ministry, Back to Zion. Photo Credit: CBN News.
German Alexander Dietze blesses Holocaust survivors through his ministry, Back to Zion. Photo Credit: CBN News.

German-born Alexander Dietze learned about Germany’s history and the Holocaust in school, but it wasn't discussed at home. Raised in a secular household, he became a Christian in his early 20s. 

Years later, an abrupt awakening came when his grandfather offered him Nazi SS medals as part of their family heritage. This moment spurred Alexander and his wife, Cäcilia, to found the ministry Back to Zion, dedicated to helping Holocaust survivors in Israel.

Each week, the Dietzes invite Holocaust survivors to their home, sharing their story, providing meals, singing Israeli songs in Hebrew, and gifting bouquets of flowers.

To hear more about Dietze’s transformative journey and ministry, watch CBN News' interview with him in the video above.

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