
The number one U.S. news network - FOX News - enjoys about 1.5 million viewers per day.


Hey, I thought the legacy of Ronald Reagan was supposed to be at the center of the Republican race for President, not the Democrats race. In this election, anything goes.


No formal annoucement from the Obama team as of yet, but judging by the below report, U.S. Predator drone strikes against terrorists on Pakistani soil--which began under President Bush--will continue. From CBN News:


Someone has said we first fall in love with an ideal, who quickly enough becomes an ordeal, at which point we want a new deal.

With stars in our eyes and hormones pumping in our bodies, we naively think we’ll be in marital bliss forever.


A ceasefire agreement is in the works in the Democratic Republic of Congo!  President Joseph Kabila's government is expected to sign a truce today with the rebel forces in the country's North Kivu Province.


The following letter is from me to the thousands of "Fred Heads" out there.


I just finished my sit-down interview with Sen. Barack Obama here in Greenville, S.C. We talked about everything from last night's debate, his troubles with Sen. Hillary Clinton and continuing Internet rumors that he's a Muslim.


OK. She didn't hit him literally. Just with her words and rhetoric. Read below from The Associated Press:


My goodness. Obviously, Barack Obama must think he's still at the debate in Myrtle Beach. In Greenville, South Carolina, he delivered a speech and basically picked up where he left off as he ripped Hillary Clinton.I'm here in Greenville and saw it in person.


Hey everybody we're on way to Greenville, S.C. to sit down with Barack Obama for a one-on-one interview. Expect the video clips to come out later this evening. You can watch a full report on The 700 Club Wednesday morning.
