
An official with Barack Obama’s campaign tells The Brody File that beginning next week the campaign will start an official faith tour in key battleground states called “Barack Obama: Faith, Family and Values Tour”. The subheading of the tour is as follows: “Voting ALL Our Values”


Don't you love reading the "before and after" weight loss success stories in magazines or seeing the transformations realized on "The Biggest Loser"?


When it comes to the melamine milk scandal, we still aren't seeing the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.  The death toll has risen to four babies, and over a thousand remain hospitalized with kidney complications.  Many expect these numbers to continue climbing, and parents nationwide are panicked over what to feed their children.


In an exclusive interview with CBN News, Sarah Palin's former pastor Paul Riley and his wife Helen sit down and talk The Brody File in Wasilla, Alaska. He was pastor of Wasilla Assembly of God for 40 years.


In an exclusive interview with CBN News, Sarah Palin's former pastor Paul Riley and his wife Helen sit down and talk The Brody File in Wasilla, Alaska. He was pastor of Wasilla Assembly of God for 40 years.


In an exclusive interview with CBN News, Sarah Palin's former pastor Paul Riley and his wife Helen sit down and talk The Brody File in Wasilla, Alaska.


Earlier this week, I wrote about my admiration for NFL Referee Ed Hochuli. After realizing that he made an incorrect call that cost the San Diego Chargers a win over rival Denver, the veteran referee acknowledged his mistake to the crowd and those watching on television.


We have been talking a lot lately about how some members of the media are criticizing and even mocking Sarah Palin's faith in an effort to almost disqualify her from national office. It is unfortunate how attacks and downright ignorance of this nature passes as journalism in one of this country's major newspapers.


Lovely, sweet, delicious chocolate! If you're like me, you'll take it any way you can get it - white, dark, milk, crunchy - on fruit, pretzels and nuts. Just about anything tastes better with chocolate.


China's melamine milk fiasco remains a complex national crisis, dealing with a plethora of issues including business ethics, economic growth, government transparency, consumer safety . . . the list goes on.  By comparison, the latest China scandal headlines don't really measure up. 
