
A look at the much talked about book from Lynne Spears, mother of pop singer Britney Spears, and a 40-day journey devised to help strengthen marriages...


Although Article 36 of the Chinese Constitution guarantees its citizens freedom of religion, not everyone would say that they're free to worship without restrictions.  Ongoing friction between the government and many in religious groups, like house churches, continues to challenge and test the limits of this religious freedom.


As more information surfaces in China's melamine milk crisis, the situation looks progressively worse. According to Chinese health officials, melamine in milk products has sickened about 53,000 throughout China, most of them babies.  While most have been released, nearly 13,000 remain hospitalized, with 103 in serious condition.  Four have already died. 


I've noticed that since Sarah Palin was chosen as John McCain's running mate, a bunch of websites have popped up with one common purpose: pray for Sarah Palin and her family. Right now there is a chain email circulating out there imploring people to pray Psalm 27 from now until Election Day. The email has also been reprinted on a number of websites and The Brody File is getting quite a few emails about it.


Sunday night, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert took the short drive from his home here in Jerusalem to the residence of Israeli President Shimon Peres.


October is Pastor's Appreciation Month, a time to honor and say thank you to the men and women who do more than any others to inspire us to grow in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.


Well, that was fast. Just three months after the theatrical destruction of the cooling tower at its Yongbyon nuclear complex--an action hailed by some as a victory for diplomacy--North Korea is at it again. From CBN News:


There hasn't been much positive financial news this year- from failing banks to inflation and global food shortages.  While China's stock market isn't looking much stronger than most of the rest of the world right now, its poverty reduction efforts have been much more rewarding.


Whether it's problems with toys, school safety, or baby formula, any quality control issue that affects children is especially troublesome for parents.  For Chinese dairies, regaining the public's trust after the melamine milk scenario will be a daunting challenge.  


Friday on The 700 Club, my six minute TV piece on Sarah Palin aired nationally. You can watch it above.
