Christian Living

thewebblog 09/18/08

More on N.F.L. Referee's Game-Changing Mistake

Earlier this week, I wrote about my admiration for NFL Referee Ed Hochuli. After realizing that he made an incorrect call that cost the San Diego Chargers a win over rival Denver, the veteran referee acknowledged his mistake to the crowd and those watching on television.

My admiration for Hochuli has only grown in observing him deal with the aftermath of that mistake. Here's what San Diego Union-Tribune sports columnist, Tim Sullivan, writes:

"Ed Hochuli screwed up and he's sorry about it. He has been accountable and he has been apologetic. He has answered the e-mails of aggrieved Chargers fans, and has succeeded in turning some of their scorn into sympathy.

Rather than make an excuse, Hochuli has set an example.

The NFL's most muscular referee cannot undo the decisive error he made Sunday in Denver, but he has handled the fallout with such candor and contrition that his crisis management should be taught in our classrooms.

He has told the truth, even though it's embarrassing. He has taken responsibility, even though his job could be in jeopardy. He has done what many of us preach but fail to practice.

Maybe he did not have much choice in the matter, but Ed Hochuli has taken the high road at the lowest point of his officiating career.

"Affecting the outcome of a game is a devastating feeling," the 57-year-old official wrote to several readers who shared his correspondence. "Officials strive for perfection - I failed miserably."

I don't know if Ed Hochuli is a Christian, but he'd make a good one.

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