
Yesterday's Capitol Hill press conference was like many others I've attended, with politicians and activists are flanked by a sea of brightly-colored signs and photos.  The speakers, from countries like China, Sudan, North Korea, and the U.S. had one primary goal: to expose China as the greatest enabler of human rights abuses worldwide.


Lay's Potato Chips made the slogan "Betcha can't eat just one" a household phrase. Today, consumers eat more Lay's Potato Chips than any other salty snack. Last year, consumers purchased approximately 4.6 million pounds of Lay's Potato Chips in just the Baltimore and Washington supermarkets, while consumers in Harrisburg and Scranton purchased approximately 2.5 million pounds in supermarkets. Folks, that is 6.1 MILLION pounds of potatoes in just 4 markets.


And a good day to you!

Just watched the news and read some newspaper commentaries, and it's interesting to note how much God's name has entered into the public debate these days. In this age of instant communication, the amount of "stuff" that is flying about can be overwhelming! And when it gets into the arena of religion and politics….watch out!

Although Jesus called His followers sheep, we don't have to be dumb ones. In actuality we are told to "be wise."


Last year, the Islamic Society of North America--or ISNA--was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal terrorism case. Now the group is receiving a grant from the U.S. government.


With all of the significant global events right now, you would think that something of severe gravity, like the potential food shortage, rising gas prices, or falling dollar would dominate water cooler discussions.  But for much of the American media, these issues have taken a backseat to another issue: Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana's photo spread in Vanity Fair. 


We have been created as emotional beings. A reading of Scripture reveals that each story, every character, becomes compelling in part because of the human, emotional nature.

We can relate to King David’s sadness at the death of his son. We hold our breath in anxious anticipation as Queen Esther approaches King Xerxes, asking for the freedom of her Jewish people. We understand Jesus’ righteous indignation at the money sellers in the temple.


And an Iranian general to boot, according to McClatchey Newspapers:


It's been well-over a month since the fateful March 10 protests in Tibet, but the events in Tibet continue to cast their shadow over media coverage of China.  Today, thirty Tibetans, including six monks, received sentencing for their involvement.


 I've received quite a lot of feedback from my recent posts about Darfur.  E-mails range from encouraging to desperate to downright pessimistic.  Many ask, "what can I do to help other than pray?"


The Brody File has in its possession audio clips from an interview Hillary Clinton did after the Compassion Forum. Renaissance Communications has released them to The Brody File. They were broadcast to some Churches the week after the faith event.
