
This is a great easy-to-do project for little hands and busy moms! I got this idea one day when thinking of a fast and easy Christmas cookie project for my 7 year old. She loves making these cookies.


This recipe comes from my (now passed) grandfather, Ralph Dixon of Oregon, and is one of several that he was somewhat famous for. It is absolutely the fluffiest, lightest, best tasting johnnycake that I've ever had ... even better with butter melting into it and honey drizzled over it! Pure heaven on earth! After eating this, you'll never eat plain cornbread again!


They'll be creamy through and through and something on the day of the meal -- you won't have to do!


Every year at Christmas time, my sisters and I would get together and make all kinds of cookies for Christmas day. It was a very special time for all of us growing up.


This salad is so good with ham or turkey at Thanksgiving or Christmas time. Any leftovers go well with cottage cheese.


It's the simpliest way to make string beans dish special for Christmas dinner.


Christmas was very special at our house when I was a child and baking was one of our favorite family activities. Dad would mix the dough, the kids would form the cookie on the baking sheet, and mom would watch the oven. Then, we would sit down and enjoy the wonderful creations! What a fun memory we all have of this special time of year.


Here is a fabulous recipe to go with your favorite crackers. We often have it Christmas Eve with the family. Yummy Good !


Our Christmas Day dinner doesn't happen until the afternoon so we're up early Christmas morning to open presents and have breakfast. About mid-morning, we all get the munchies and this coffee cake is a yummy treat we have with hot chocolate or tea to hold us over until the big Christmas dinner later.


I stopped in at a drive in and they had pineapple cheeseburgers; never had one; tried it; loved it; improved on it at home...
