
Hello, Guys,

This is a survey; brace yourself.

Someone took me to task the other day about my personal conduct, and rather than get defensive, (that’s an improvement for me) I talked it over with my wife Nedra, (who lays claim to being my personal p.r. director, in that she tries to explain me to others.) In response to the criticism I had received Nedra told me I needed an “attitude adjustment.”

The last time I’m gonna ask for her input on anything!


The success of the surge has been a “pain in the you know what” for Barack Obama. Katie Couric over at CBS drilled him on it by asking three straight questions about it because she didn’t understand how he could still be against the surge even though it worked. Click here for the whole interview and judge for yourself. Obama has taken his lumps for it but I guess he figures that’s better than reversing himself on the surge and looking plain wrong in his assessment. Obama


It’s gotten to the point that there are so many rumors out there about Barack Obama that it’s become kind of laughable. Well, maybe it’s not laughable for the Obama campaign.


One topic that often gets overlooked when it comes to the Evangelical vote is Israel. Just look at the numbers. Evangelicals are HUGE supporters of the Jewish nation. More here.


No country is perfect, but no citizens are as happy with the direction of their country as China.  According to a new survey by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, a staggering eighty-six percent of Chinese are satisfied with the country direction, up from forty-eight percent just six years ago.   Eighty-two percent say the economy is good, up thirty percent from 2002.  Not surprisingly, these high numbers put China as the top-rated count


This morning Beijing's streets, which are usually packed with 3.3 million cars, probably felt a little less congested, since half of those vehicles won't be on the roads.  Due to Olympic pollution concerns and overcrowding, Beijing has implemented an odd-even numbered license plate system, so cars will only be able to drive every other day, depending on their plate number.


In early August, the Obama campaign will launch a new effort aimed at bringing young Evangelicals together in support of Barack Obama. This effort was going to be called "The Joshua Generation" but the campaign ran into some legal issues using that name. The Brody File has an exclusive sneak peak at what the web launch site will look like. Click here for that.


You have to love the New York Post--it's got something for everyone. There's the mindless celebrity gossip of Page Six, the often scathing and frequently hilarious movie reviews of Lou Lumenick and Kyle Smith and a first-rate sports page (including Peter Vescey's NBA scoops, a must for a basketball junkie like myself). But the Post is probably best known for its legendary--and often ingenious--headlines (for example: "Headless Body Found in Topless Ba


Parents have a challenging task—to raise children in a loving environment with Godly values and to the point where they have their own wings, and then to let go and watch them fly. 

But what if your children struggle, flounder and lose altitude in their flight? Worse yet, what if they rebound back into the nest? What should parents do then? 


A HUGE opportunity to make inroads with Evangelicals is sitting in front of John McCain. It will take place on August 16th when McCain and Barack Obama head to Saddleback Church and talk publicly with the influential and popular Rev. Rick Warren.
