Obama with Bible in Hand


It’s gotten to the point that there are so many rumors out there about Barack Obama that it’s become kind of laughable. Well, maybe it’s not laughable for the Obama campaign.

One of those “rumors” is that Obama was sworn in as Senator with the Koran. If you answered “True”, click here to see if you’re right.

Sorry. You’re wrong. As a matter of fact, The Brody File has visual proof of it. This picture comes courtesy of the Matthew 25 Network. The group has a page devoted on their website to combat the rumors. Click here for the picture of Obama being sworn in with Bible in hand and click here for the Matthew 25 false rumors page.

There’s a new poll out in New Jersey that shows 8% of people in the state think he’s a Muslim. More here. C’mon people!

OK, so he has a funny sounding name. Barack Obama. Oh, sorry. I forgot to include the middle name. Barack Hussein Obama. Can we all get over it? How many times does Obama have to explain that he’s NOT Muslim. He’s Christian.



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