
We’re a nation of people who are underslept, over-worked, tired, cranky and walk in the door at night with bad moods. Then we wonder why our marriages and families fall apart.


This year marks the 10th anniversary of The International Day of Prayer (IDOP) for the Persecuted Church. The focus this year is on “secret believers” -- people who have turned from Islam to follow Jesus. These courageous Christians are paying the highest price for their faith.


Internationally-respected human rights advocate and Dalit Freedom Network President Dr. Joseph D'souza recently released his second book entitled On the Side of the Angels. The book, co-written by journalist and human rights activist Benedict Rogers, is a call for the universal Christian church to revitalize and expand the definition of the Christian mission to include human rights advocacy.


Attending a Christian writers conference or seminar will help communicators sharpen their writing skills, pitch their proposals to editors and agents, and network with hundreds of other writers and industry professionals.

In short, these conferences and seminars will help you get published.


Nigerian Archbishop Peter Akinola has rejected the U.S. Episcopal Church's latest efforts to calm tensions over the consecration of gay bishops. The stand taken by the U.S. church is threatening to split the global Anglican-Episcopalian family.


My "Catholic Guy," Deacon Keith Fournier, tells me that plans are being finalized for first U.S. visit of Pope Benedict XVI. This will be the first papal apostolic journey since Pope John Paul II's visit in1999.


Broadcasting pioneer Rex Humbard died Friday of natural causes. He was 88. Humbard, once heralded by U.S. News & World Report as "one of the Top 25 Principle Architects of the American Century," is noted as America's first television evangelist.


A Christian theater has taken out a full-page ad in Friday’s USA Today to promote its “Million Voices for Christ” Petition that has already given thousands of people a positive way to stand up for the Christian faith.


In her speech, comedian Kathy Griffin said that "a lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus."

And, Christian apologist John Lennox will debate well-known atheist Richard Dawkins on the scientific evidence of God found in the universe. It is one of the few debates in which Dawkins, a spokesman for “New Atheism” and author of The God Delusion, has ever participated.


"The purpose for this was not only to see if they could damage us and take us out," Dr. Dobson said, "but to scare every pastor and every nonprofit that's out there."

And, the U.S. government cannot trade a parcel of land to private hands to allow a Christian cross to remain in the middle of a vast federal preserve, a U.S. appeals court has ruled.
