
Hackers are targeting municipalities across the US, taking hostage valuable information and demanding ransom for its return.


After stopping a man who went on a shooting rampage in a Walmart store in Tumwater, Wash. on Father's Day, Pastor David George of the Oakville Assembly of God Church, didn't seek the media spotlight. Instead, he asked to remain anonymous, later saying "he wanted to make sure his actions didn't overshadow the ministry of the church and his service to the community."


The Fourth of July is quickly approaching, and you may consider yourself a patriot, but does your home state bleed red, white and blue? The personal-finance website, WalletHub, released Tuesday its report, 2018's Most Patriotic States in America.


Army 1st Lt. Garlin Conner received the Medal of Honor for heroism during World War II.


Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte has formed a three-man committee to open up a dialogue with the Catholic church and other religious organizations following his controversial criticism of the Christian faith.


This is World Refugee Week, a time when people around the world are encouraged to remember the plight of the world's 25.4 million refugees. This year, The United Nations Secretary General has drawn special attention to the plight of suffering Christians and Yazidis from Iraq and Syria.  


Former US Senator Sam Brownback talks about his new role as the US Ambassador for International Religious Freedom.


Speakers share how Jesus delivered them from homosexuality on the third anniversary of Obergefell v. Hodges.


The Hong Kong Christian Council, a Protestant ecumenical organization has released a report exposing a growing sexual harassment and abuse problem in local churches, according to The South China Morning Post. 

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wiki

Mitt Romney has won the Republican primary for a Utah Senate seat, setting him on the path to restart his political career with a Senate seat left open by retiring Sen. Orrin Hatch.
